Monday, March 23, 2009

Some interesting things.

Ok. There's been a lot of things happening to me recently. It seems like a century has passed since I lasted visited my computer. I have been working and taking control of my life. So far I feel I've done a pretty good job. It seems to me that I have things under control as long as things go as planned. However I have learned that not all things always go as planned. In fact, most of the time nothing goes the way people want them. I have an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that something major is going to happen to someone. Whether it be a death or something less. The feeling is there and very inense. Something I can't ignore but something I have yet to figure out. I am currently working on something that I hope will jump-start my career here on the interwebs. This feeling fills me with fear and I refuse to talk about this feeling to anyone. I have recently secluded my feelings from the people I once let loose unto. However, because I have been at my girlfriends house and focusing on my job and my new apartment and my future with her, it's been, interesting. I love being with her and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life living with her, however the feeling of change (or so that's what I have come to believe what this feeling is) is really starting to hit me. I have come to a point in my life in which I am transitioning to a life on my own. The time has finally come to prove to the world I can survive. I can make it. I can do this. The road will be tough, I am not blind to this however it is not my main concern. Till next time.

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